Talks and debates

Ma’ táan u pajtal a yaajkunsik ba’ax ma’ a k’ajóoli’ (You cannot love what you don't known)

One of the priority activities of Maaya K-Moots is to spread the Mayan language and culture. To this end, we have offered a series of online talks in different formats, in which teachers from our group and external guests debate, talk and discuss topics related on education, art, culture, traditions, etc., emphasising the importance of keeping alive the Mayan language. Thus, through this space, we open topics and culture typical of the Mayan world to all those who are interested in learning, not only about Mayan traditions, but also about the day-to-day life of Mayan comunities in the modern world.

We consider that education is the main tool for inclusion.


Students and teachers freely organise these talks. The objective is to organise at least one discussion every second Sunday and sometimes several have been organised in a week. They are always advertised through the facebook page and broadcast freely for all those who want to see them. Those who have organised the most talks are:

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Carlos Argáez García

Maya student with the Maaya k-moots cooperative. Researcher in mathematics at the Oceanographic Institute of Iceland.

Luis Ángel Chab Dzul

Maya student with the Maaya k-moots cooperative. He is originally from the city of Campeche. He completed his undergraduate studies at the Autonomous University of Zacatecas. He has a master degree in music from the Chiapas University of Sciences and Arts.

Jose Nemesio Ail Baeza

Master in Education from the Inter-American University for Development.

Victor Ku Caamal

Graduate in Primary School Education. U.P.N.

Genaro Nuñez Balam

Interpreter and translator student in the Mayan language at the municipal academy of Mayan language Itzamná.

Francisco Silva Torres

Maya student with the Maaya k-moots cooperative. Degree in Music Education with a specialty in Violin from the University of Veracruz. He has a master's degree in contemporary classical instrumentalist musician by UNICACH.


Notice that ALL talks are given mainly in Spanish.

Year 2022

Year 2021