
Yes, they are necessary

Creating neologisms is a challenge for any language and we believe that the creation of modern neologisms for the Mayan language will be achieved if:

  • We manage to understand modern concepts whose names are foreign to the Mayan language,
  • Spread the proposals in daily life.
Therefore, let people to know them and yes, if the neologism seems transparent to the speakers, they will decide to use it, modify it or even, why not, reinvent it.

It should not be forgotten that the search of neologisms is common in all languages, including the Spanish and the English languages, the latter being a constant source of many neologisms. For example, what should we call the mobile data storage unit that uses a USB port?

  • Some call them Flash Drive,
  • other USB Stick,
  • other Pen Drive
  • & hellip;

Thus, as part of the work we do at Maaya K-Moots, we are committed to search Mayan neologisms to modern terms. We know that it is a difficult job and we know that it is a long-term job but we are sure that it is important and we invite everyone to join us in this project.


The methodology we follow consists on listening to the technical vocabulary directly from the experts, whether scientific or artistic, and understanding its meaning through them. Then experts can explain us the meaning using the easiest possible language and we propose, based on our experience, the Mayan equivalent. In this job, patience is very important. It also opens the possibility for scientists, artists, technicians and others to participate with us and join this project.

To date, we have been able to work with various scientists on topics related to physics, chemistry, and mathematics. In addition, we have worked with a musician specialised in viola and we are willing to work with all those who want to work with us.

Risks, results and objectives

We recognise that we run the following two risks:

  1. Getting our neologism wrong,
  2. even in nailing a suitable neologism, that people do not use it.
The first point does not worry us; we know that to innovate and learn it is necessary to make mistakes. That is why all our work is public, so others can know it, disseminate it and, if necessary, correct it. In this way, we all improve and contribute to enrich our language. To the second point, we think that the more we spread our language, the more evident will be the importance of finding Mayan neologisms for modern concepts. We have no doubt that our input will be there when needed.

It is important to consider the neologisms that already exist in the Mayan language and follow INALI spelling norms. Therefore, they will be taken into account when necessary and new ways of understanding the language will be proposed through the use of loans in Spanish to adjust it to the current Mayanization. In fact, in many current Mayan peoples, the use of loans is not something that is excluded in oral use, but rather enriches the sense of language and what is to be communicated.

Check out our neologisms