Primer curso

Module objective:

Introduce the student to the sounds and pronunciation of the Mayan language. In addition, it presents the student with important grammar concepts such as counting classifiers . Finally, it allows the student to begin to understand the "logic" of the language.

Duration: 10 hours.


  1. Mayan numbers from 1 to 10 and zero.
  2. Mayan numbers from 11 to 20 and the rest of the numbers.
  3. Classifier "túul".
  4. Classifier "p'éel".
  5. Animals.
  6. Family and their activities.
  7. Meals.
  8. Fruits and vegetables.
  9. The human body.
  10. Colors in Maya.

Audiovisual materials

In addition to the notes, the course has audiovisual material that helps the student to listening and writing.

It is expected that by the end of this course the students will know a lot of general vocabulary, know how to form numbers, know how to number living beings and inanimate objects.


Students will be able to apply what they have learned in different areas of daily life and have a closer relationship or greater communication with native peoples and communities. Each student will have a positive impact where they can perform based on the topics seen in the lessons and put the Mayan language into practice together with the Mayan speakers.