Scientific neologisms

Working method

  • Representation of scientific words with simple words. It is important to convey the meaning of the technicalities in very simple language; How could I explain something so technical to a child? This part is done by an expert.
  • Find the correct ways to expressing those ideas in the Mayan language. Part made by Maaya K-Moots.

Bachelor's thesis

Shrödinger equation
(Multi-electronic solution methods).

Dzul Gallareta, M. A. Bachelor's Thesis, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Autonomous University of Yucatán. 2019.

A small scientific glossary was prepared and the thesis' summary was translated to the Mayan language.

This glossary was born from the collaboration between Eng. Manuel Alejandro Dzul Gallareta (then an engineering student), Prof. Victor Ku Caamal, president of Maaya K-Moots, and Drs. Alejandro and Carlos Argáez García.

The scientific vocabulary presented here, although small, represents the first step towards the generation and dissemination of universal knowledge in the Mayan language. All participants appreciate the beauty of the Mayan language and understand the importance of working in a scientific and technical Mayan language.

The Diario de Yucatán interviewed Manuel Alejandro and published a note on the matter.

The vocabulary is available in the table below on this page.


Maya English
Múuch mejen ba'alo'ob Molecules
Jach mejen ba'alo'ob Electron
Tsol Method
Toj óol Physics
Xak ' Chemistry
Chan its'atil Quantum Mechanics
Ba'ax ku p'is Computational
Ku utskintik woojo'ob Analytical Solution
Ts'u ' Cores
Iicho'ob Symmetric
Yak'al etp'isa'an Antisymmetric
Yaan yak'al etp'isa'an Antisymmetry
Keetil Function
U keetil Slater Slater function
Keetil chuum Base function
Múultun Determinant
Tu'ux ku piirinsuut Spin
Yóok'ol kaab Orbital
Nu'ukul ts'iib Code




In this thesis, the closed-layer restricted Hartree-Fock (HF) model for simple molecules is developed. To carry out the calculations with this model, the base functions STO-LG from L = 1 to L = 6 are used. The method is studied in the molecules H 2 and HeH . These are considered simple due to the low number of electrons and charge points they have in their molecular system. Most of the literature related to this method solves simple molecules such as those presented in this thesis. However, they omit important details when giving the solution. For this reason, relevant details in mathematics, physics, chemistry and computers are included. This thesis talks about how the first theories of quantum mechanics motivated the search for what is now known as the "Schrödinger equation". This is capable of measuring the properties of a molecular system. It is important to emphasise that it is difficult to find the analytical solution of the Schrödinger equation for molecular systems with large amounts of electrons. One way to simplify this problem is to work the molecular systems by separating the electrons from the nuclei. This allows the Schrödinger equation to be rewritten only in terms of electrons. In addition, the use of spin should be emphasised due to the Pauli exclusion principle. When introducing antisymmetry in the wave function, it is necessary to involve Slater determinants. Thus we arrive at the Hartree-Fock method. Slater's determinants employ a set of base functions to approximate the behavior of the wave function. In this case, the STO-LG base functions are used, which are built from primitive Gaussian functions. These base functions are intended to behave roughly to Slater-type orbitals. Slater-type orbitals are the best way to describe the behavior of molecular orbitals. The complexity of its construction makes operations in the HF method difficult. Finally, note that the thesis is self-contained; It includes pseudocodes, MATLAB codes and Excel files that facilitate the understanding of the construction and the verification of what is obtained. The code programmed in C ++ is included. This thesis is based on [1] and was carried out in the hope that it may be of help in future theses dealing with similar topics.



Ti' le meyaj yaan beetik je'ela'an meyaj, u k'aaba'e' Hartree-Fock lelo' ma' cha'aban u piixe' k'aala'an u ti'al múuch mejen ba'alo'ob. U ti'al beetik le p'iiso'obo' ch'a'ab u meyajil u keetilil chuum STO-LG u kaajale' L=1 tak L=6. Le múuch mejen ba'alo'obo u ti'al u meyajtal yéetel múuch mejen ba'alo'ob H2 yéetel HeH. Lela' ku tuukulta'al múuch mejen ba'alo'b tumen kaabal jach mejen ba'alo'ob leti' yaan tu múuch mejen ba'alo'ob. Tu láakal ba'ax a'alik te'e tsolila' u ti'al u jepalal le múuch mejen ba'alo'ob, bey a'alik ti' le meyaja'; chen ba'ale' lela' ma'atech u ts'aik bix je'e u utskinta'ale'. Le o'olale' táan ts'aik u xookil, toj óol, xak' yéetel ba'ax ku p'ix. Ti' le meyaja' yáaxile' a'alike' yóolaj chan its'atil, leti' tu beetaj kaaxtik u meyajil Schrödinger. Lela' ku p'isik le múuch mejen ba'alo'obo. Jach k'aana'an áaik u ti'al u k'uchul u yi'ila' le Schrödinger jach taalam ti' múuch mejen ba'alo'ob tumen nojoch jach mejen ba'alo'ob. U ti'al u meyajta'al le múuch mejen ba'alo'ob yaan u lu'ujtsa le jach mejen ba'alo'ob ti'e ts'u'ubo'. Lela' ba'ax ken u beete u meyajil Schrödinger chen ti' jach mejen ba'alo'ob, chen ba'ale' yaan a'alik u beeta'ab tu'ux ku piirinsuut tumen u káajal u jok'saj Pauli. Ken okts'ak le yaan yak'al etp'isa'an ti' u keetil iik'il ku kuchul u k'aana'antal ka'a ootsaj múultun Slater. Beyo' kuchul u tsolil Hartree-Fock. U múultun Slater ya'ab bix je'e u keetil chuum u ti'al u kuchul u keetil iikil. U ti'al lela' ku ch'a'abaj u keetil úuchben u múultun Gauss, beyo' ma' taalan u meyajili' le u xookili'. U keetil le chuum ku kaxtik bix u k'uchul ti' yóok'ol kaab Slater. Le yóok'ol kaabo'ob Slater leti' u ma'aloobil u ti'al u ya'alaj bix u meyaj le yóok'ol kaab u múuch mejen ba'alo'ob. Kax beyo' la'yli' taalan u beeta'ab le meyaja' yéetel le tsolil HF. U ts'o'oke' iile'ex le meyaja', junp'éel meyaj ya'ab ba'alo'ob ts'aabi' je'e bix; jejeláas nu'ukul ts'í­ibo'ob, yéetel u nu'ukul ts'í­ib MATLAB beyxan Excel, u ti'al u na'ata'ab le meyaja'. Le meyaja' ch'aa ti' u áanalte'i [1] beetabi' yéetel aalab óolal u ti'al u yáantal u láak ajxooko'ob.

[1] Attila Szabo, Neil S. Ostlund. Modern Quantum Chemistry: Introduction to Advanced Electronic Structure Theory. Dover Publications, 1982.