Artistic neologisms

Working method

  • Representation of artistic vocabulary with simple words. It is important to convey the meaning of the technicalities in very simple language; How could you explain something so technical to a child? This part is done by the expert on the subject.
  • Find the correct ways to express those ideas in the Mayan language. Part made by the Maaya K-Moots Cooperative.

Master's thesis in music

Music for viola;
a pedagogical proposal for its study.

Chab Dzul, L. A. Tesis de maestría, Facultad de Música, Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas. 2021.

A small glossary was made and the summary of the thesis was translated into the Mayan language.

This glossary was born from the collaboration between M.C. Luís Ángel Chab Dzul, Dr. Carlos Argáez García and the teacher members of the Cooperativa Maaya K-Moots who were the ones who offered the Mayan glossary. The vocabulary presented here, although small, represents another step towards the generation and dissemination of universal knowledge in the Mayan language. All participants appreciate the beauty of the Mayan language and understand the importance of working in an artistic, scientific and technical Mayan language.

The vocabulary is available in the table below on this page.


Maya English
Kelemal Works, pieces, musical works
Najil páax Chamber music
Tone Checheh Sonatas
Ajpaaxo'ob Najil Chamber orchestra
Nojoch Ajpaaxo'ob Symphony Orchestra
Nukul Musical performance
Tach Collection, catalog, set of parts
P'is, chinab Measure of measure
Pojoché Bow for violin, viola, cello, double bass, etc.
Sinan k'ay Harmony
Ch'ot Double strings
Bik ' Vibrato




This document contains an investigation on works for viola solo, viola in chamber music: sonatas, duets, some trios, and viola soloist with chamber or symphony orchestra, which have been written by Mexican composers from the beginning of the 20th century to the present . Despite the fact that the viola in Mexico has been studied and interpreted in a formal way since the last century, the repertoire written by Mexican composers is not approached in the same way or with the same frequency as the pieces written by European composers, and when investigating about composers who have written music for the viola in Mexico, we can see that there is already ample material for its study and interpretation; When talking about works for viola in Mexico, most violist musicians come to mind two or three titles, although to date there is already a long list of composers who have dedicated some work for viola in their collection. It can be said that from the 90's of the last century to the present, both worldwide and in Mexico, more composers have seen its timbral and sonorous potential in the instrument..

Likewise, in this research, an analysis of each work was carried out in a technical way, taking into account various factors such as tempo, measure of measure, tonality, rhythm, positions, bow strokes, dynamics, the use of chords. and double strings, and vibrato, to assign a level of difficulty and, in this way, to organise them for study from the first years of degree. It is worth mentioning that this is not a work in which the harmony of each work has been thoroughly analyzed, since its purpose is not the comprehensive analysis of each work, but rather to identify the technical difficulties they have for the proper classification in regarding its pedagogical content.

Similarly, this document will include an annex with a list of works written by Mexican composers from the 20th century to the present (2021), with this, it is intended to help promote Mexican composers, and promote the study of the national repertoire of rapes her. Finally, both professional violists and students will have a record that makes it easier for them to know the national musical heritage, and with it, contribute to the interpretation and dissemination of Mexican works that have not had the prominence they deserve..

For all the above, it is important to account for the musical progress of the instrument and of the national composers, in order to carry out a systematic and pedagogical assessment of the development of the viola in Mexico, which allows knowing and having an approach with this type of material to spread not only in Mexico, but also abroad.


Since the arrival of western music to Mexico, brought by the Spanish after the conquest in the 16th century, an infinity of national composers have emerged who have managed to obtain national and international recognition. This work will focus on Mexican composers from the 20th century to the present (2021), who have written works in which the viola plays an important role in their compositions, such is the case of Julian Carrillo, who explored the sound tones of the instrument. applied to his technique in fourths, eighths and sixteenths of a tone, or José Pablo Moncayo himself with his Sonata for Viola and Piano, printing that nationalist stamp of the time. To date, more composers have seen countless musical resources on the viola, such is the case of Mario Lavista, Leonardo Coral and Eduardo Angulo, to name a few. The national repertoire for viola is a repertoire little approached in universities and conservatories at the national level, there is no classification that allows us to know its level of technical difficulty and the details that allow interpreters to consult and learn about this material.

Reviewing the curricula of some national universities such as: the University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas, the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, the National Autonomous University of Mexico and the National Conservatory of Music, I could see that the Mexican repertoire for viola is little addressed Therefore, it is necessary to begin to include works by Mexican composers from the first semesters of the degree and not wait until the end to address this repertoire, since there are very simple works to address from the first semesters of studies, to works that require a level high technical and interpretive to achieve a good performance. With this, we realise that this type of repertoire can also have pedagogical importance if we classify it by levels, and with it, contribute to the development and comprehensive training of students.

With this work, a database will be organised that allows the national and international violistic community to have a complementary study program, of a Mexican repertoire at the undergraduate level (and conservatory) that classifies national works by means of the characteristics mentioned above. . In this way, a comparative catalog will be achieved with a pedagogical approach that allows us to approach, promote and know the national repertoire for viola from an early age..

In addition, within the annexes, a general list of works for viola written by Mexican composers will be included. All these have been compositions that have been found during this investigation and that contribute to the musical heritage of national music for viola. Said program and list will be available on the website to have easy access to the information.

It is my desire to contribute to the professional development of future generations of Mexican violists, through a cataloging of Mexican works with a pedagogical approach that allows them to address the not so recognised Mexican repertoire from an early age. In this way, it will be possible not only to promote Mexican music for viola, but it will also contribute to the musical and professional growth of future generations.



Le meyaja’ u xak’alil áanalte’ob yo’olal meyajo’ob u ti’al u paaxil chen viola, viola ku pa’axal tu najil ts’ulo’ob: chambel paax, ka’atúul ajpaaxo’ob yéetel óoxtúul ajpaaxo’ob, chen viola yéetel múuch paaxo’ob tu najil ts’ulo’ob, máa nojoch paaxo’ob, lela’ beeta’an u tsíibil tumen ajmen paaxo’ob ku kajtalo’ob tu lu’umil Mexico tak u káajbal u ja’abil 2000 tak walkila’, kax le viola paax ku xookol Mexico yéetel ku ma’alob k’aayal, tak u ja’abil 1900 ts’o’ok u máano’, tu láakal le paaxo’ob k- ts’íibta’an tumen le ajmen paaxo’ob mexicanose’ matech u paaxa’ je’e bix u láak’ paaxo’ob beeta’an tumen le táanxe’ lu’umilo’obo’ Europeos, chen ba’ale’ ka’a beeta’ab u xaak’alil yo’ola’ le ku ts’íibo’ob viola tu lu’umil Mexico, k- ilik ts’o’ok u ya’abtal le meyaj beeta’ano’ u tial u xookil yéetel u k’aayil; le ken a’al yo’ola’ le meyaja’ u ti’al le viola te’ Mexicoa, ku taal tu pool le ajpaaxo’obo’ ka’p’éel máa óoxp’éel k’aaba’ob, kax bejla’e’ ya’ab le máako’ob ku ts’íibo’ob yo’ola’ u paaxil viola, je’e u páatal a’alike’ tak tu ja’abilo’ob 90’s le siglo máano’ob tak bejla’e je’e bix yóok’ol kaabe’ tak tu lu’umil Mexico, ya’ab le ajts’íib paaxo’ob ku yi’iliko’ob le u n’ukulil paaxo’b u nojchil u juum yéetel u yu’uba’.

Tu yóolale, te xak’ala’ meetk’aj jump’éel ma’alob yejyaj ti’ le meyaja’, tek ch’a’aj jejelas ba’alob k’a’anan, beey u xaantalil, u p’iisil, u juum, yéetel uláak antajo’ob ku k’anantal ti’al jump’éel ma’alob paax kex talam, ti’al tun u beytal a xokik tu yaax ja’abilob a xook, kin a’alike’ lela ma’ jumpéel meyaj tu’ux xak’alta’an tuláakal le noj ts’íiba’, tuméen le ts’íibaj ti’al in ta’sik ojeltbij u talamil ku yaantal ti’al u beeytal u nu’ukbesal ti’al jump’eel nu’ukul kambal.

Bey xane’, le noj ju’unila’ ku taasik jejeláasil wéewel meyajo’ob ts’íibtano’ob tuméen u jeel utskinaj k’ayo’ob tak ichil u ja’abilo’ob Siglo XX tak walkila’aj (2021), yéetel le je’ela’, ku pajtal u ts’abal ojéeltbil u áantajil máaxo’ob xokik yéetel paxik viola tu noj lu’umil mejiiko’. Bey tuno’, le úuchben jka’anbesajo’ob bey xan xoknáalo’obo’, je’el u pajtal u k’ajóoltiko’ob ya’abkach úuchben paxo’ob uti’al ts’aiko’ob k’ajóoltbil ti jejeláas meyajil ma’ chíinpolta’aki’.

Yéetel ba’ax ts’o’ok tsikbaltika’, k’a’abéet u meyajta’al le paxo’ob ku beeta’al yéetel le nu’ukulo’ bey xan u ts’abal k’ajóoltbil tuméen le utskinaj k’ayo’ob tu noj lu’umil México. Le je’ela’ yo’sal u t’i’it’besa’aj le paxo’ob ku beta’al yéetel le Violao’, ma’ chéen te noj lu’umila’, tak ichil u jeel táanxel noj lu’umilo’ob bey xan táanxel kaajilo’ob.

U biilal

Ka k’ux u paaxil chik’in way tu luumil Méxicoe’, tasa’ab tumen le tsulo’obo ka tsook u jetskubao’ob way luume' tu jaabilo'ob XVI, jook’ yaabkach maako'ob k-etluumile’ ku meyaj juun paaxo'ob tsook u naajmaatik u chimpooltaal u meyajo’ob way México jebich tu jeel luumilo’obe’.

E meyaja’ ku suut yo’osal mexicanos ku meeyaj juun paaxo’ob, te SIGLO XX tak te bejlajile’ (2021), letio’obe’ tu tsiibto’ob paxo’ob, u nuukulil jach k’aana’an te paxo’obo’ tu tsiibto’obo’ leti’e’ ku k’aabatike’ Viola, jee bich tsook u meetik Julian Carrillo, leti’e’ tu yuuba' biix u jookol u juum le u nukulil u paaxo'ob ti yoosal u p’isilo’ob "cuartos", "octavos" yéetel "dieciseisavos" ti u juum, jee bich xan José Pablo Moncayo yéetel u paax “sonata para viola yeetel piano” tuux ku joosik u taklil ek k-luumil ku tal te k’iínoobo.

Beejlaile, yaab maax ku tsaakuba y tsiibte wa u utskinsoób paax, letio’obe ku iilko’ob yaabkax paaxo'ob je u pajtaal u joosko’ob te violao, je bix Mario Lavista, Leonardo Coral yeetel Eduardo Angulo. E muuch junilo’ob tial violae, junmp’eel meyaj ma jach ch’aooltaan te najij tuux ku xookol yéetel ku kansaa’ paax way k-luume', mina'an jump’éel meyaj tuux ku tsato’on ek k-k’aooltik buukaa' u meyjulil u paaxal, ek k’a ooltik, yéetel k-xookik.

Táant xak’altik u xookilo’ob jejeláas noj najilo’ob xooko’ob tu lu’umil Mexico je’e bix: U Noj Najil Xook Kaambal yéetel Yits’atil tu lu’umil Chiapas. U Noj Najil Xook tu lu’umil Aguascalientes, U Noj Najil Xook tu lu’umil Mexico yéetel U Noj Kúuchil Paax tu lu’umil México, tin wila’ tu láakal paaxilo’ob u ti’al violae jun p’íit, le o’olale’, k’a’abet u ts’aabal ichil u kan ka’analil xooke’ u yáaxilo’ob u wak winalile’, le meyajo’ob u beetmajo’ob et ts’íibo’ob wey tu lu’umil Mexico, tumen yaan meyajo’ob chen ch’a’abil u ti’al u meyajta’al, yaan xan talam meyajo’ob tu’ux k’a’abet ts’aik tu láakal muuk’ u ti’al beetik. Yéetel lelo’, ilik tu láakal le meyajo’obo’ maa tsoolike’, yaan u yutsil u ti’al le xooko’ob, beyo’ táan áantik le ajkáambalo’obo’ u ti’al junp’éel ma’alob xook.

Yéetel le meyajja’, yaan u mu’uch’ul u paaxil viola tia’al tu láakal máax paxik tu noj lu’umil México yéetel táanxel lu’umo’ob, tia’al u yantal u chuukan tsoolil kaanbal xook ku ch’a’ jo’oltik le k’ajóolta’an way Mexicoe’ tia’al u Noj Najil Paax yéetel Úuchben Najil Paax bey ka u jats le meyajta’ano’obo’ je’en bix ts’o’ok u yáax a’ala’alo’. Beyo’, yaan u páajtal u mu’uch’ul le meyajo’obo’ yéetel u keetlankunsa’al tia’al u kaansa’al, le beyo’ ku cha’ik u cha’ajo’ota’al, u ts’áabal k’ajóoltbil yéetel u k’ajóolta’al tu láakal u paaxil viola tak u tia’al paalal.

Bey xan, Ichil u chuukan le meyajo’ yaan u ts’áabal junp’éel noj tsoolil u paaxilo’ob viola ts’íibta’an tumen k-éetlu’umilo’ob. le je’elo’oba’ laj meyajo’ob ts’o’ok u kaxta’al ichil u bin u yúuchul le xak’al meyaja’ yéetel ku mu’uk’ankunsik u múuch’ paaxil viola ti’ k-lu’um. Le múuch’ meyaj yéetel u tsoolil meyajó je’el u kaxta’al ti’ web tia’al beyo’ chen ch’a’abil u kaxta’al u xookil.

Jach táaj k’a’abéet in ts’aik k’ajóoltbil bix le jka’anbesaj paax uti’al máaxo’ob ku kanbalo’ob yéetel máax paxik violín way tu noj lu’umil mejikoa’, le je’ela ichil jejeláasil meyajo’ob tu’ux k’a’abéet u k’ajóolta’aj le paaxo’ob ma ojelta’an ti yáax ja’abilo’obo’. Bey tuno’, ma’ chéen yaan u k’ajòolta’al le paxo’ob yéetel violao’, yaan xan u ya’abtaj k’ayo’ob u’uybil tuméen máaxo’ob ku kaanbal paxo’ob.